Mining technologies have changed and grown


Did you know that a lot of mines had to close down as mining water treatment had become extremely expensive and unsustainable? This happened not only in Australia and New Zealand but all around the world. Once it was realized how much water was used in mining, and how this water was often not replaced, and communities suffered because of it, mines were closed down. But this not only resulted in a shortage of mining products, but also, in unemployment and a downturn in the economy. And without the mines, many communities suffered even more.

How did things turn around

To work out a better miningwater treatment process, teams of engineers and environmentalist specialists, together with designers and geologists, in fact, teams of people with several degrees and specialties, have worked together in ways that have not been seen before, brainstorming ideas with other water system specialists in countries across the globe, coming up with extraordinary technologies. Such technologies have made it more feasible for mines to stay operational, start operating, or restart operations. These technologies take into account the environment, the planet, the communities and most importantly, the precious resource water, and how it can be recycled. Not only recycled but how more can be brought in, in a cost-effective and reliable way.

Talk to the experts in Australia about water treatment solutions. It does not matter how remote you are, or where you are, there are tailor-made water treatment systems that are already designed. They may need a bit of tweaking for your mine. They may be perfect as is. The specialists will tell you after assessing your needs.

Water is our most precious resource. We are all aware of the scarcity. We know that new technologies have been needed for mining water treatment and these technologies are now here and available.
